If you are a Step Up fan like me, you would understand my admiration for Jenna Dewan and can imagine how excited I was to attend her book signing last week here in the city. I grew up dancing and at one point aspired to be as talented as her because I loved her and that movie so much. Even though my dreams changed, my fan-girl moments over her have yet to subside, which is why when I initially saw she was coming to New York for one of her book signings, I couldn’t hit RSVP quick enough! However, as the event approached, I started to question if it was worth going. Not because I didn’t want to meet her or because I thought the event wouldn’t be fun, but mainly because I had had a rough couple of days and truthfully wasn’t in the best mental state to put on a good face. I kept second guessing my decision of purchasing the ticket and repeatedly kept asking myself if I could push through enough to still show up to the event. This isn’t the first time I’ve second guessed my impulse purchase, but as I went back and forth, I decided it was more important to keep my word and attend the book signing. And in the end, I am so glad I did because I ended up receiving advice from Jenna that I really needed to hear.
When I first arrived at the top floor of Barnes and Noble, I saw a lot of people were already seated, book in tow, anxiously awaiting her appearance. I quickly grabbed my copy and managed to snag a seat a couple rows back from the stage. After initial remarks were made, Jenna stepped on the stage and was in all honestly, glowing. Not because she’s currently pregnant, but because her aura is something else. She exudes a beauty, confidence, and light that are truly remarkable. I found myself immediately captivated by her presence and listened whole heartedly as she responded to the crowd’s questions one by one. I even had the chance to ask her about quick practices to help center one’s self with such a busy schedule, and in her response, she told me about certain breathing exercises to utilize in those short instances…but that’s not the message I was referring to before!
After she answered a certain number of questions from the crowd, we lined up one by one to have our book signed and chat with her while she signed. When it came to my turn, I was very honest and told her I didn’t almost come because it was “one of those days” but that in the end she really made it worth showing up for. She smiled and responded with “honestly it was just as hard for me to show up as it was for you. Running around all day doing press was not easy, especially being pregnant, but its one of those things that regardless of how you feel, you just gotta do it because you always are glad you did and the results are always worth it!”
She finished signing my book, thanked me for coming, and told me how much it meant to her. I’ve gotten similar guidance before, but hearing it from someone whose life is probably double if not triple as busy and stressful as mine, made me more present to the advice and more appreciative of it. Sometimes all it takes is hearing it from someone not related to your everyday life to really get the message across. I hope to meet her again and thank her for reminding me that the pay off always outweighs the struggle to get there and to never loose sight of it no matter how busy your life gets! Until that happens, I will just say it here… Thanks Jenna! :)